Sunday, December 31, 2006

BoingBoing Reports Creationist Text Still at Grand Canyon

Yep, it's still for sale at the official bookstore of the Grand Canyon: a book that claims it was formed by Noah's Flood. The park supe can't get it pulled - that has to come from On High, and the book was the ONLY text approved for sale from On High recently, so...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Third time's the charm: save as new and it works

Weird. ecto seems convinced that this post is a draft when I attempt to publish it, and gives me an option to save as edit or to save as new.

"Save as new" is the correct option, and it publishes. I ran across an old item in Blogger's docs; old, inactive, and "spammy looking" blogs have their option set to draft sometimes.

Second test for ecto: new post

This is completely new, with labels.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Test for ecto

Nothing to see here.

Hmm. Apparently I was able to create this draft a while ago, but not publish it.