Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Let Them Debate

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Let Them Debate

To be perfectly serious for a moment, I think it's obvious what they should do with the upcoming debate. McCain's notion of canceling it is silly (and a bit insulting to the public), but holding a debate about foreign policy and ignoring the trillion-dollar elephant in the room might be a bit much. The debate simply is going to have to address on the economy, at least in part.

So fine -- let's change the focus of the debate to the economy. It would be a fine opportunity to see what the candidates can do without weeks of advance preparation with surrogates, talking points, and the like -- what better test of candidates then to simply ask them about these issues, and let them talk. Such a debate would be exactly what many of us have been waiting for, including, purportedly, John McCain himself -- a chance for a true spontaneous debate between the two candidates.

I don't think it should require much to just switch the topic of the debate and be done with it. John McCain has been in the Senate for 26 years. If he's not ready to talk about the economy now, he isn't ever going to be.

I can has iPhone?

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