Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yes We Can

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Yes We Can


The other day, I was informed I write a lousy "ask" letter. In fact, it was recommended in no uncertain terms that I go back and re-read the mountain of Obama "ask" letters still cluttering my email client. So I did. And yes, it's true, I'm not a good asker. So I'm starting over. With shorter sentences. To see if I can't do a better job.

You see, we've got a critical, if not completely obvious job on our hands.

Even though the right-wing has recently been sliced-and-diced, it's still pretty good at leafletting the public square. And, these folks are especially good at doing it in pictures. ...especially when the media is helping them out with it.

But four years into this mission, we are not exactly passive consumers anymore. We've learned to unpack those pictures. And we're also learning to offer up other pictures -- from photographers who are first-hand witnesses, and aren't beholden to the corporate sponsors.

Your donation today will help cover critical operating costs and time-sensitive photographer contributions -- resources which are needed immediately for us to keep a check on those newswires, raise hell about biased or stereotyped pictures, pull the best eyes and minds together to discuss and take apart Madison Ave.- level visual spin, and otherwise keep our team shooting.

As the media visually trivializes our election gains and the right-wing pictures itself on the mend, won't you help sponsor our leading role as a guardian when it comes to visual politics?


At The BAG, it's the resources we have on hand going into 2009 which will determine how great a difference we can make. Besides comprehensive coverage of Campaign '08's visual hype and stereotypes, our contributers have been at the key scenes for years now -- including the trials of New Orleans and the touch points of the propaganda war.

Would you help underwrite Alan Chin's room for the night, or a parking spot that isn't miles...

I can has iPhone?

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