Thursday, April 28, 2005

SU: Time Zones Of The World

Time Zone Check - Time Zones of the World

Top Ten Reason To Love Being Episcopalian

10. Anglican Aerobics are good for you .... sit-stand-kneel, sit-stand-kneel, sit-stand-kneel .
9. We get to drink real wine at church .... even on Sunday.
8. Not only can Episcopal women wear pants ... they can be Deacons, Priests and Bishops.
7. We "proselytize" by serving our fellow man,not by assaulting him on the street corner and telling him that he is bound for hell.
6. You don't need a life guard on duty to be baptized ... a small measuring cup will do.*
5. Our Bishops are real people ... they will sit on the ground and play "duck-duck-goose" with the kids at camp. (Diocese of Central PA)
4. We ""respect the dignity of ALL human beings" be they black, white, gay, or straight.
3. Our National Cathedral has a very cool Darth Vader gargoyle .
2. There has never been an "Episcopal Inquisition" .... God gave you a brain - we encourage you to use it .
1. Scripture ... Tradition ... and .... REASON !!!! Need I say more ?? - via Momus Operandi

*Note - this joke won't go over as well at St Nicholas, Elk Grove... they've got a baptismal pool that's about calf-deep.

E-giving link from Cherry

Welcome to

Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, April 18, 2005

This could open up a can of worms

Lost Gospels? Ooh, the conspiracy theorists are salivating already.

Friday, April 15, 2005

USGS Photo Archive

Not copyrighted.

BBC NEWS | Technology | Bogus blogs snare fresh victims

Okay, this is not a fake weblog. Just so you know.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Better Nutrition: Get down: 68 natural ways to lower blood pressure

Some of this stuff, I can actually do. I need to cut out caffeine, sodas, sodium, and high-fat dairy though, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

And I need to walk or exercise.

And I need to get more sleep (melatonin!)

BBC NEWS | Americas | Republican 'paid family $500,000'

Tom DeLay: everyone but the Republican Right knows he's corrupt.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Shere Hite and tomboys

I also had that brief, shining clarity of self as a gully-rambling, creek-wading, bug-watching tomboy.

Plus, I was an Indian, never a cowboy.

ADDvance - Is your Daughter a Daydreamer, Tomboy or "Chatty Kathy"?

Tomboys with ADD...


This woman is a tomboy after my own heart.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Yahoo! News - "Father Ted" bookies long-shot to be new Pope

Hee! Not the Father Ted I was expecting. Must pass that along.

Seattle Super Saver - seattle washington hotels, seattle hotels, hotels in seattle, downtown seattle hotels

Shopping around... Books: Finding Serenity : Anti-Heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon's Firefly (Smart Pop series)

blog this later...

The New York Times > Opinion > Op-Ed Columnist: An Academic Question

Paul Krugman wonders why so few profs are social conservatives.

Could be that profs are almost universally people who think for a living. Professional thinkers thus are more likely to see the fallacies?

Monday, April 04, 2005

Support For No Follow

Ironic, eh? Moveable Type news on a Blogger installation.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Suspiciously Familiar

When Keith Thomson took a job as an ad-agency copywriting trainee at the age of 22, he wasn't exactly a naif. But he didn't expect that his two male supervisors would concoct a casting call for a bogus pantyhose manufacturer and proceed to test more than the acting abilities of the fashion models who responded.

Even as Thomson's illusions about suave and polished ad executives were dashed, so was his expectation that work would be a conventional meritocracy. "There is a meritocracy, but the merits are much different than you assume: sleeping your way to the top, playing golf with the right guy or drinking yourself silly in a barroom," says Thomson, who has just published his first novel. "You're looking for people to be your idols and mentors," he adds, but "one after another you realize there aren't any perfect people at work."

that was TOTALLY a Rance story! Sent to me complements of The Bard Sinister.

Adventures of Sir SniffaLot

Huzzah! That rogue Nelson has a soft spot - and not in his head, neither. It appears we're in for a truly shaggy dog story today (of all days)

SPLICEDwire: "Down Periscope" review

Rework a "bad movie review" to show that this movie is funnier than they give credit for, and in light of terrorist attacks, actually the premise is not as flimsy as this reviewer thinks.