Friday, April 10, 2009

Rachel Maddow & Behind the Scenes of NOM Video

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Rachel Maddow & Behind the Scenes of NOM Video

As Pam wrote, the original InterTubes video of the NOM auditions is down. However, Rachel Maddow's take on the auditions is now up -- and it includes what was put up on the InterTubes.

So, without any further comment -- this is an interesting news segment from last night's Rachel Maddow show:

[YouTube Video]

Rachel Maddow: We do not know how Human Rights Campaign got access to the audition tapes, but because they did we do know that pretending to be a straight person hurt by gay marriage, apparently very, VERY challenging.

And, just because I'm not commenting doesn't mean you can't. (You can pretty much guess what my comments would be just from the fact we found a way to get the audition videos back up, hee-hee!)

* Transcript: Thom Hartmann and NOM's Brian Brown
* SF Columnist scorches desperate National Organization for Marriage ad
* National Organization for Marriage's hired guns for fact-free hate
* National Organization for Marriage's new tactic: fear-mongering without using the word 'religion'
* Towleroad: 'Pro-family' fear-mongering zombies release gay marriage scare ad

I can has iPhone?