Monday, November 28, 2005

Church Ad Project | Advertising Tools for Powerful Evangelism

Choice 2: Welcomes you no matter how many times you've been born

Church Ad Project | Advertising Tools for Powerful Evangelism

Choice 1: What other meal can sustain you for a week?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Suburban Life - Hanover Park church takes part in nationwide paper drive

St C got press? For recycling? I didn't know they even had the ability to recycle...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Pick Your Battles - Newsweek Politics -

Salt Lake Tribune Advocates Kinky Phone Sex!!!1!

Check out the graphic from the bottom of this article about Salt Lake singles who can't find people to date.

It's a pink phone handset with a blue phone handset, reversed so that the earpiece of one is at the receiver of the other. The blue one is on top of the pink one.

damn if it doesn't look like the Trib advocates kinky phone sex, though how you'd do that position while talking on the phone is beyond me.

Basic Rights Oregon - gay rights, civil rights, gay marriage, lesbian, glbt: A Message From BRO Executive Director Roey Thorpe

And the Tighty Righties say they don't like activist judges? What about the ones that rule their way?

Bishop: Anglican will one day embrace gays

Thursday, November 03, 2005

NPR : A Former President Warns of 'Endangered Values'

Jimmy Carter's interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air, with an excerpt from his new book.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The power of plain - Books - Entertainment -

Mouse Words: Thoughts on being called a "tomboy"

Very insightful post, with some great comments, and the inevitable "great blog! Penis enlargement" comments at the end. Irony is funny.