Saturday, January 31, 2009

Blagojevich: Such a classy man...NOT | THE News Pundit

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Rival rips Feigenholtz for being on 'clout lists'

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Rival rips Feigenholtz for being on 'clout lists'

State Rep. Sara Feigenholtz is positioning herself as a progressive Democrat in the race to succeed Rahm Emanuel in Congress representing the North Side of Chicago and some of the west suburbs.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Closing arguments under way at Blagojevich's impeachment trial | Clout Street - local political coverage

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Of Darwin Dover And (un)intelligent design

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Of Darwin Dover And (un)intelligent design

February 2009


Of Darwin, Dover And (Un)Intelligent Design

Scholar Says The Future Of Science –; And Church-State Separation –; Are At Stake In The Creationism/Evolution Conflict

Kenneth R. Miller was one of the leading witnesses in a lawsuit challenging "intelligent design" creationism in Dover, Pa., public schools. In a sweeping defeat for the Religious Right, a federal district court ruled in Kitzmiller v. Dover in 2005 that teaching religion in science classes violates the Constitution. Miller, a professor of biology at Brown University, has now written Only A Theory: Evolution and the Battle for America's Soul (Viking/Penguin Group, 2008). The book looks at the ongoing drive to teach religious concepts in public school science classes and why that crusade must not succeed. Church & State recently asked him some questions.

Q. You were an expert witness in the lawsuit against "intelligent design" creationism in Dover, Pa., public schools. What did you think of the trial and its outcome?

A. Naturally, like everyone on the plaintiffs' side of the Kitzmiller case, I was delighted with the outcome –; and that wasn't just because of the judge's decision. I was especially impressed with the businesslike way in which the trial moved along. Both sides played by the rules and did their best to keep matters focused on the issues at hand. And the judge, John E. Jones III, did an extraordinary job of moving things along fairly and openly. At the end, I think that both sides had to admit that they had been given every opportunity to make their cases. The experience impressed me with the fairness and openness of the federal judicial procedure and renewed my confidence in our court system.

Q. What surprised you most about the trial?

A. Two things. First, the willingness of certain members of the school board to come into court and tell obvious lies. That might seem a little harsh, but that's exactly how the judge put it too, even to the point of lecturing a witness in open court about contradictions in his testimony. The second surprising thing was the public collapse of intelligent design (ID) during the defense phase of the trial. While many scientists, myself included, have written about the scientific flaws of ID, it was genuinely shocking to see them exposed so clearly under cross-examination. By the end of the defense phase of the trial, any contention that ID formed a coherent scientific theory had vanished. At that point, it was clear to everyone in the courtroom that the verdict would favor the plaintiffs.

Q. There was a lot of press attention focused on the trial. What was the public reaction to your ...

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Attenborough's response to creationists' hate mail

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Attenborough's response to creationists' hate mail

Sir David Attenborough gets a lot of hate mail because he doesn't give credit to God in his documentaries.

In an interview with this week's Radio Times about his latest documentary, on Charles Darwin and natural selection, the broadcaster said: "They tell me to burn in hell and good riddance."

Telling the magazine that he was asked why he did not give "credit" to God, Attenborough added: "They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."

Attenborough's response to creationists' hate mail

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Genuine Fakes

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Texas board moves closer to new science standards

Hi Steve,

Here's a current story about the Texas  school board, and how free speech issues were used as part of the creation/intelligent design faction's strategy.  

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Texas board moves closer to new science standards

AUSTIN, Texas -- The State Board of Education moved a step closer to dropping a 20-year-old science curriculum requirement that critics say is used to undermine the theory of evolution.

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Friday, January 23, 2009

“Traditional” vs. “Contemporary”?

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"Traditional" vs. "Contemporary"?

By Donald Schell

For the healthy future of our church we've got to stop thinking and talking as if 'traditional' and 'contemporary' were opposites. This hackneyed dichotomy reduces us to a lose/lose battle between caricatured factions – do we want to be a backward-looking 'traditional' church bound by nostalgic practices of the last two hundred years or a 'trendy,' 'relevant' church whoring in uncritical embrace of 'contemporary' culture.

Only a church that's deeply traditional and truly contemporary can live fearlessly into creativity and mission. To find our way to deep traditional roots and a lively present, we'll need to relearn that the words 'tradition' and 'traditional' live in a creative process, an inspired engagement with our Christian past and discernment of the God-given opportunities and challenges of each present moment.

Hear Vladimir Lossky, a bold 20th Century Russian Orthodox theologian described tradition,

"…to be within the Tradition, is to keep the living truth in the Light of the Holy Spirit, or rather – it is to be kept in the Truth by the vivifying power of Tradition. But this power preserves by a ceaseless renewing, like all that comes from the Spirit." [Tradition and Traditions, Lossky's introduction to The Meaning of Icons, (Leonid Ouspensky and Vladimir Lossky, 1952 and 1969]

Lossky tells us that tradition is a creative process for the church and the work of the Holy Spirit among us. When the Spirit's steady hand harnesses the powerful troika of humble memory, faithful curiosity, and innovative imagination, the church has a powerful team for an exhilarating ride.

When other rabbis scolded Jesus' disciples for skipping the ritual hand washing that began the meal, those teachers' concern wasn't hygiene but sacrilegious violation of ritual purity. They understood a prophetic sign. Jesus was defying religious purity laws to show people the impatient welcome of his all-merciful Father. Hand washing was ritualized preparation for the sacred.

Jesus' deep faithfulness to the tradition he received had provoked him to break the rubrics (official rules) of the ritual meal of a rabbi with his close disciples.

Jesus teaching God's mercy on the Sabbath was good rabbinic practice. But to some his healing and feeding people to embody that mercy was more sacrilege. The Sabbath was the center of rabbinic Judaism's liturgy. Once again traditionally-grounded rule-breaking led Jesus to liturgical innovation and a new vision for works of mercy in community. Liturgy and his mission of compassionate love were inseparable.

Making his ritual choices to reshape the ritual of a rabbi's holy meal with close disciples, Jesus showed the fulfillment of Isaiah's promised feast, on the mountaintop, God's messianic banquet for all people. And he was using one tradition to reshape another. Isaiah and Israel's...

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion Soothes Throats, Improves Water [Winter]

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Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion Soothes Throats, Improves Water [Winter]

East-coasters, northerners, and anyone with a cold lately knows how rough winter can be. Slashfood has a simple recipe for a concoction that soothes coughs and throats, and gets more fluid in your system.

Why bother with a natural concoction that sounds like a tea bar specialty? Researchers (and lots of anecdotal tales) have shown that honey, specifically the buckwheat variety, can be more effective than cough syrup (second item) at suppressing coughs. And no doctor isn't going to recommend getting more fluids when you're sick, but there's only so much cold, plain water one can drink before it gets old, and fast. So try Slashfood's easy take on creating an all-natural winter helper:

Simply grate a half inch chunk of ginger into a large mug. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in on top (you can also add the zest if you're feeling daring) and add a heaping teaspoonful of honey (feel free to adjust the sweetness level to your personal taste). Fill the cup with boiling water and stir to combine. Drink while still warm and repeat as necessary.

One could, depending on taste, make a batch of this infusion starter ahead of time, rather than have it be a bad-morning ritual.

Got your own non-medicinal (or medicine-supplementing) cold-beaters? Share the recipe in the comments. Photo by kane ikin.

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Daily Kos: How Rick Warren's Invocation Made a U.S. Army Officer "Hate Himself"

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Daily Kos: How Rick Warren's Invocation Made a U.S. Army Officer "Hate Himself"

Not unexpectedly, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) was besieged with emails and phone calls from members of our armed forces today following Rick Warren's invocation. These weren't complaints about the inappropriateness of Warren being chosen to deliver the invocation, or even about the content of Warren's prayer. They were complaints about the pressure put on our servicemen and servicewomen by their superior officers to applaud Rick Warren, whose book The Purpose-Driven Life is second only to the Bible itself as the most promoted religious book by the U.S. military, currently being incorporated into everything from pre- and post-deployment family programs to suicide prevention.

The following is an email from one decorated combat officer, a man with the courage to repeatedly put his life on the line on the battlefield, being wounded twice, but who could not muster the courage to resist the pressure of his "serious and committed born again Christian" commanding officer to applaud Rick Warren. The author of this email is typical of the majority of servicemen and servicewomen who contact MRFF for assistance. Like 96% of MRFF's clients, he is a Christian -- but not the "right" kind of Christian or Christian enough for today's military.

To Mikey Weinstein and MRFF:

My name is (name withheld) and I am a (officer rank withheld) in the U.S. Army currently stationed stateside at Fort (military installation name withheld). I, my spouse and my children are Methodists attending church regularly on both Wednesdays and Sundays. I will always remember today as the low-point of my long (number of years withheld) year career in the Army. I have only myself to blame. Today I firmly established myself as a shameful person. Mikey, I write about 3 things; Rick Warren, my cowardice and your bravery. Today, I watched President Obama's inauguration on the television set up in our Brigade staff conference room. I attended as a member of (unit level designation withheld) staff along with over 40 other senior officers, senior enlisted an few senior Army civilian staffers. There had been much talk here about Pres. Obama's selection of the evangelical pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at the ceremonies.

Our current Commander is a very intolerant and "serious and committed born again Christian" as he always describes himself to all his subordinates. At every military assignment I've ever been to it's ...

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Prayer at the National Cathedral

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Prayer at the National Cathedral

Here is the prayer presented by the Presiding Bishop at the Inaugural Prayer Service at Washington National Cathedral.

On this radiant day we give thanks to you, O God,

for the freedom to gather united in prayer.

Strengthen and sustain Barack, our President,

that in the days to come he may lead your people

with confidence and compassion.

Grant patience and perseverance to the people of this Nation.

With malice toward none, with charity for all,

may we strive to finish the work you have given us to do

that we may achieve a just and lasting peace.

In this time of new beginnings, new ventures, and new visions,

light in us the fire of justice, and the passion for forgiveness.

Give us the strength to hold fast to what is good

that we may go forth renewed and committed to make hope a reality.


The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori
January 21, 2009

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Nathan Fillion lays the Hammer down about a Dr. Horrible sequel

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Nathan Fillion lays the Hammer down about a Dr. Horrible sequel

Nathan Fillion, who played Captain Hammer in Joss Whedon's online musical Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, told reporters that the seeds of a proposed sequel were planted in the original's DVD. Whedon previously told SCI FI Wire that he is considering a sequel and will explore new forms of media with it.

"There is talk about a Dr. Horrible sequel," Fillion said in a group interview last week in Universal City, Calif. where he was promoting his upcoming ABC series Castle. "It's actually in one of the songs on the Dr. Horrible DVD commentary music." The recently released home-video version of Dr. Horrible featured a musical commentary track.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Fossil illuminates jaw evolution

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Fossil illuminates jaw evolution

A fossil fish is shedding light on the evolution of jawed vertebrates, according to a Swedish study.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shozu now working

Finally hit on the right combo for using Shozu for the quick links blog; can't seem to edit non-Shozu posts though.

Posted by ShoZu

Why Ginny Can't Blog

Cat on lap immobilizes hands.

Posted by ShoZu

Monday, January 12, 2009

Twittelator Link

Here is an interesting link

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Friday, January 09, 2009

Talk to da paws cuz

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Talk to da paws cuz

funny pictures of cats with captions

Talk to da paws cuz da face iz asleep.

even wen i iz awake, u shud talk 2 mah hand.

picture: dunno source, via our lolcat builder. lol caption: Elizabethrose

» Recaption This

» See All Captions


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Friday, January 02, 2009

Muslim passengers removed from flight between DC and Florida

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Muslim passengers removed from flight between DC and Florida

WASHINGTON (AP) — AirTran Airways says nine Muslim passengers were removed from a flight from Washington, D.C., to Florida after other passengers reported hearing a suspicious remark.

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