Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Why My Supe Should Not Be Allowed To Email Memos

I swear to GOD, this is real and undoctored. I just copied everything below the address fields. And then I sent it to Scott Adams. I am SO going to hell, and when I get there, I'll be unemployed.

But in the meantime, this is too classic not to save. Usually, my TL contents herself with garbled, Germanic sounding syntax and convoluted, overly complicated explanations. The result is that often what she writes can be taken to mean the exact opposite of what she says she meant to say.

The following is a whole order of magitude better than any of her previous "WTF? is it opposite day AGAIN?" memos.

Subject: Urgent, Please read

Good Morning:

Please make sure to leave your set on tonight. You must close all applications such as Louts Notes, Internet and all Microsoft applications such as Words and Excel. You will also need to sign off Sabre. Don't shut your computer off. This will give access to our Tech Desk to load the Anti Verse software to your set. For more information, read below.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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