Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Urgent Alert: Melamine Tainted Chocolate From China Still on Shelves

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Urgent Alert: Melamine Tainted Chocolate From China Still on Shelves

Breaking Now! Reuters 3 hours ago!

h/t Brasschck TV

You have probably heard of the deliberate adulteration of infant formula with melamine in China. See CNN

It killed and injured thousands of children there.

What you don't know - because the FDA and others don't want you to know - is that as much as 20 million TONS of Chinese manufactured milk powder and products containing milk powder were imported into the US from China this year.

Now please read the next part very carefully:

The US…is the ONLY country…including China…that has NOT pulled food products containing milk powder manufactured in China off its shelves.

[YouTube Video]

See it on YouTube.

The person blowing the whistle on this is an expert in toy manufacturing who stumbled on this while researching this season's Halloween candy offerings.

He has found candy manufactured in China with milk powder widely being sold in US stores.

Obviously, I have not had time to check all the facts, but knowing the parties involved - China, the FDA, the Bush administration, and corporate America - I have no doubt that this is not only highly plausible, it's highly likely.

- Brasscheck

I can has iPhone?

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