Saturday, December 06, 2008

Glowing spirit, pure heart

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Glowing spirit, pure heart

Daily Reading for December 6 • Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c. 342

An example of the Faith and a life of humility,

as a teacher of abstinence

you did inspire and lead your flock

and through your truthfulness of your deeds

were exalted by greatness through your humility

uplifting all and by poverty gaining wealth.

Father and hierarch Nicholas intercede

with Christ our God that our souls be saved.

The Apolytikion or Troparion (Hymn) of Saint Nicholas.

The four corners of the world glorify you

As a knight of the powerful Faith,

The Faith of God, the true Faith.

From the cradle he was devoted to God,

From the cradle until the end;

And God glorified him—

His faithful Nicholas.

Famous was he throughout his life,

And even more renowned after death;

Mighty on earth was he,

And even more mighty is he in heaven.

Glowing spirit, pure heart,

He was a temple of the Living God;

For this the people glorify him

As a wondrous saint.

Nicholas, rich in glory,

Loves those who honor him as their Krsna Slava;

Before the throne of the eternal God,

He prays for their good.

O Nicholas, bless us,

Bless your people

Who, before God and before you,

Humbly stand in prayer.

Hymn of Praise: "Saint Nicholas the Miracle-Worker," from The Prologue from Ohrid copyright © 1999 Serbian Orthodox Church, Diocese of Western America. Both hymns found at

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