Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Strange Bedfellows Falling Out

"'You would be hard-pressed to find anyone familiar with his position who would believe that President Reagan would be in Hatch's camp on this,' said Douglas Johnson, the committee's legislative director.

'It was widely reported during his presidency that Nancy Reagan did not agree with President Reagan on the abortion issue, so somebody who doesn't have a problem with abortion would not have a problem with destroying human embryos for research.' "

Douglas Johnson, spokesthing for the National Right to Life Committee, castigating Nancy Reagan for not being pro-life enough to reject stem-cell research that might have benefited her husband, the late President Whatsmyname.

Actually, it's a sad thing for her to have struggled and not succeeded in getting it through Congress, but Orrin Hatch is trying again. As predicted on Air America Radio the other night, a stem-cell research bill will probably pass if it's named something palatable like "the Reagan amendment."

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